Enerpool 3.0

Enerpool is a program that models the performance of a solar collector when used for a swimming pool. The program allows the user to enter many different specifications, including the type of pool cover used, which months the pool will actually be used, and whether the pool is public or private, indoors or outdoors. The program then predicts the pool temperature for the months that it will be used, as well as several other features, including money saved by using a solar heating system.

Enerpool uses an hour-by-hour energy balance to predict swimming pool temperature in heated and unheated pools and heating energy requirements for pools using solar or conventional heating systems. It may also be used to determine the fuel cost savings available from solar system operation and to calculate the economics of investing in a solar pool heater. Indoor and outdoor pools may be simulated in numerous Canadian and U.S. cities using the typical meteorological weather data available for download with the program. Evaporative, radiative, convective, conductive and make-up water heat losses are considered in the model. Enerpool Pro, which is included in the Enerpool download package, allows the user to define the pool and solar system in considerable detail.

System Requirements:

Installing Enerpool:

  1. Create a directory on your hard drive entitled 'ENERPOOL'.
  2. Download Enerpool3Setup.exe to your newly created 'ENERPOOL' directory . Download times will vary depending on your connection speed. The zip file is approximately 5.7 MB.
  3. Open the 'ENERPOOL' directory and run the 'SETUP' application. Follow the on-screen instructions.

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