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Smart Grid in Canada: 2020-2021

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Authors: Shawna-Rae McLean, Anjali Wadhera, Steven Wong and Marylène Roy, Natural Resources Canada

Abstract: This report provides an update on smart grid activities in Canada since the last report published in 2018. Key research, development, demonstration and deployment activities related to smart grid are highlighted between 2019 and 2021. The report is intended to be a useful reference for national and international smart grid practitioners from research, academic, policy, industry and trade backgrounds to learn about smart grid activities across Canada. This report is published by Natural Resources Canada’s CanmetENERGY research centre in Varennes, Quebec, with contributions from the Office of Energy Research and Development, and the Renewable and Electrical Energy Division.


Readers should refer to previous versions of the report for further background about smart grids in Canada: 2018 report, 2014 report, and 2012-2013 report.

For more information about Natural Resources Canada’s activities related to smart grid, visit the Smart Grid section of the website.

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