External power supplies

Looking for an energy-efficient external power supply (EPS)?

External power supplies

In Canada, EPS must meet minimum performance standards set by Canada’s Energy Efficiency Regulations.

EPS technology and energy efficiency

An EPS is a separate component that converts AC power to a lower AC or DC voltage for electronic devices such as printers and game consoles.

EPS units must meet international energy consumption requirements.

Regulations set the energy efficiency minimum

Most external power supplies are subject to Canada’s Energy Efficiency Regulations. Designed to help eliminate the least efficient products from the Canadian market, these regulations establish energy efficiency standards for a wide range of energy-using products.

International efficiency marking protocol for external power supplies

The ENERGY STAR® initiative in Canada does not support External Power Supply (EPS) or Adaptors. For ENERGY STAR certified products that require the use of an EPS, the EPS shall meet level VI or higher performance requirements under the International Efficiency Marking Protocol and include the level VI Roman numeral marking. Further information on ENERGY STAR requirements for EPS can be found in specifications for products that include EPS.

The U.S. Department of Energy, which administers the International Efficiency Marking Protocol, increased stringency of the requirements in Version 3, published September 2013. Full information on the Marking Protocol is available.(Available in English only)

Detailed information for manufacturers

Additional information for retailers