For more guidance on using ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager, please see the following resources. If you still have questions, feel free to contact us at
Benchmarking training
We offer periodic free webinars in English and French to introduce new ENERGY STAR scores and to go over the basics of using Portfolio Manager. Most of the webinars are also available as recordings, in case you missed one or would like to view it again. We also offer a series of how-to guides for quick reference or more self-directed learning.
Portfolio Manager technical documents
Our series of technical documents can provide you with more information on the methodologies used to calculate scores, assess greenhouse gas emissions, account for swimming pools and parking areas, normalize for climate and weather, and more.
Portfolio Manager for specific building types
Learn more about benchmarking specific building types and what information is required to obtain a 1-100 ENERGY STAR score for eligible building types.
Canadian Circle of Benchmarking Champions
Read about the Canadian energy benchmarking champions that have successfully integrated benchmarking into their overall energy management strategies to find out how you can do the same.